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Digging For Justice

I dug my brown hands
into the dark soil. They
seemed to disappear,
sink into the dirt.

Earth and I became one.

I and Earth. Person and

My intent was to find,
to discover, to lift elements
out I had no idea was there.

The soil reminds me of 
my people, our sequel, our
never-ending fight to be

As my fingers dug deeper
and deeper, I was eager
to capture equity, justice, love,

an understanding

of a universal movement
for reparations owed to black,
indigenous, and brown people.

My hands were vessels. The
energy received pushed me to 
move land with my heart, my 
hands, my knowledge, my vision

my understanding of the system

that has changed us, transformed
us, brought us together to discuss
white supremacy, unfair laws, labor,
immigration, envasions, discrimination,
the lack of education and nutrition

our children need

to take a stand, to persist
to resist, to breathe, to be! 

The reality is that I was digging
for justice. Digging for justice.
Digging for justice

'Cause it is still just us.